16 Jun

Snapping at your kids is a common challenge for all parents not just dads. I have come across 10 strategies to help you avoid snapping and to maintain a positive relationship with your children. Keep in mind I am not a license therapist, I am just a father who has read up and looked into these ideas and here is a general consensus of what I accumulated over the years, and which i am still trying to put in practice to this very day.  It will be hard in the beginning but over time it does get easier to put in practice if you really make an effort to make this work.

1. Practice Self-Care:

Make sure you are taking care of your own physical and mental well-being. It can improve your patience and strengthen your ability to deal with stress.

2.  Set Realistic Expectations: 

Research and understand your child's age-appropriate behavior and try to adjust your expectations accordingly. 

3.  Communicate Effectively: 

Try clear and calm communication with your child. Make an effort to listen to their needs and concerns, this part may be a bit hard because to us as an adult, it may just seem that their needs and concerns might just flat out sound ridiculous. Try to push back that feeling and really let your kids know you are listening to them.

4.  Take Breaks When Needed:

If you feel like your frustration is rising to a point you feel like you are going to snap. Find and prioritize the time to take a break to calm down before addressing any situation with your kids. 

5.  Use Positive Reinforcement: 

Recognize and praise your child's good behavior, becoming mindful of reinforcing positive actions rather than focusing only on the negative. This helps build up the confidence and encourages them to want to do right by you.  

6.  Teach Problem-Solving Skills:

Help your child develop problem-solving abilities, empowering them to find solutions on their own.  you can even work as a team and solve a manageable problem together, try out some idea your child comes up with, to see if it works and then find out what went right or wrong. 

7.  Use Redirection:  

When tensions and frustration is high, redirect your child's attention to a different activity or topic to defuse the situation.

8.  Establish Consistent Routines:

This can be a bit difficult because people are more inconsistent and life can be very inconsistent but amongst the chaos of life. Consistency in daily routines can provide stability and reduce conflicts between you and your child. 

9.  Practice Empathy:

Try to understand your child's perspective, acknowledging their emotions and validating their feelings.

10.  Seek Support When Needed: 

This is one of the most important ones. Reach out to other parents, support groups, or professionals for guidance and advice on managing challenging behaviors.

Remember, Parenting is a journey, and it's natural to have moments of frustration. By implementing these strategies, you can create a more positive and harmonious environment for both you and your children. It can be really tough at times' please know you are not alone and we all need to search and fight to find that happiness. Being Honest with yourself and knowing you are really doing your best, and being the best father for your kids can be the most happy and fulfilling feeling you can have over the years with your kids.

By Israel H.

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